tisdag 11 mars 2008


Diners Club 7B.

Jag kunde inte motstå frestelsen längre, har laddat över ett gäng videos som ni kommer få se de närmaste dagarna. Tyvärr kan de verka lite tråkiga och statiska men det var för att jag sprang runt ensam rätt mycket och kameran står stilla. Lovar att videosnuttarna kommer bli bättre i framtiden.

8 kommentarer:

Pär sa...

Ja, vad är grejen med all krita? Jag råkade stå brevid i lördags och se problemet kritas upp. Som totalt icke-lokal så kändes det konstigt att ens fråga. I lördags var det dessutom sol! Nä, fram för mer bruk av brännare.

Anonym sa...

Kalle, skaffa en kameraman! Hehe... bara vi får se lite filmer så är vi nöjda.
/Dan Hansen

Shawn Boye sa...

I'm sure I'm going to ruffle a few feathers here, I usually do. But I don't get it, and this is not directed at you in particular Kalle, I'm just wondering as I have a bit of experience in the subject...

Why film something if you're not going to do a good job of it?

And before you go off, consider this, would you put the time in to climbing a bad problem or a problem badly?

lajfstajl sa...

as i've told you shawn you are welcome to come down and film me on my projects. til then i think i'll keep posting my bad videos. i think i have done a good job in the sense that people can use the beta when they come out. if you dont like, you dont have to watch.

Shawn Boye sa...

Like I said before, my comment was not a knock on your video Kalle. I'm just wondering, because for me, I don't think such footage provides sufficient information to warrant the title of "Beta". To me it seems more to serve the perpouse of imforming what has been done or what can be done. But that's just my opinion. I just thought I'd open the topic because, well, it's interesting to be.

And please don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that you don't post your videos. I evidently have watched them which shows my interest and I am, like everyone else, entitled to my opinion. The nature of it is that if you release something to the public, they are allowed to ponder and question and comment. You may have noticed many have had kind things to say about my own videos...

We'll have to hook up and film some of your projects the next time I'm in Lund, if your're interested...


Anonym sa...

I suppose that quite a few people felt the same thing about Tjugo på Kjuge and Swedish Meatballs... Perhaps just a little bit of self-criticism and humbleness would be appropiate here?
Thank you Kalle for posting videos as a nice complement to your blog.

Anonym sa...

Snyggt filmat och postat Kalle!
Som betafilm fyller den sin funktion och som inspiration är den klockren!

För övrigt ser jag att du på ett föredömligt sätt strikt håller dig till Kjuges dogma-kriterier:
-Alltid stativ
-Bara en vinkel
-Hela problemet utzoomat och synligt i bild
-Så få klipp som möjligt
-Inga närbilder
-Klättringen skall se busenkel ut oavsett grad.
-Helst skall klättraren själv agera regissör, kameraman, scripta, producent, klippare mm

Shawn Boye sa...

You guys are great! Like I said before my comment was not a knock on Kalle but an open ended question.

I raised the issue here because the Kjuge scene is one of the more open and accpeting in Sweden, but maybe I am mistaken...

During the past six years that I have been filming climbing in Sweden I have always encouraged climbers to go out and film and have always offered my advice when it has been asked for. And with my films, I have attempted to positively contribute to the climbing community. And for that I have taken more criticism than anyone else...

It says alot about people who are not capable of considering an idea but instead are more than willing to critic others. And even more when they are not willing to listen to those who they critic...

Maybe you should consider a trip to Horsepens 40?